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It’s been a while, but it’s all good!

It’s been a while, but it’s all good!

So, I guess I started writing this blog during Covid… remember that? It was a useful exercise in many ways and allowed me to get some headspace as well as learning a new skill. Well, partially learning, as one huge technical issue meant I lost access for ages, but I’m back again.

Since the end of the lockdowns, I’ve been incredibly busy! A new job, several weddings (friends, not me!) and the small matter of a significant birthday have all soaked up my time, like a proverbial sponge, but I’m feeling it’s now time to wring it out! It’ll be a slow drip rather than an immediate downpour as I’ve a trip to my happy place only a matter of days away. On the plus side, there will be a new travel report too!

I feel my creativity returning, in many ways, and look forward to sharing more of my rambling thoughts with you.

In the meantime, think happy thoughts, and I’ll see you soon.

Back Once Again With The Ill Behaviour!

Back Once Again With The Ill Behaviour!

So, how’ve you been?

Apologies for being off the grid a while. Ultimately, this was due to a massive technical issue, which caused me to lose all the files for this site as well as the energy to rebuild it. I was wary of putting all that effort in just in case it all disappeared again.

Eventuality, I got it done.

I’ve a few random holiday pics to post, as well as my usual Vegas updates and strange thoughts. So, stay tuned and we’ll soon be back on track.

My Top 5 Favourite Movies And Why They Rock.

My Top 5 Favourite Movies And Why They Rock.

There’s few things better in life than getting comfy on the sofa and watching a good film. Ideally, some prep should be done first. A glass of red wine poured and favourite snacks in place. Curtains closed and phone on silent to prevent interruptions is always a good move.

Then, pick a film.

Films, like music, have to suit your mood at the time. I’m fortunate that, in both media, I have a very wide genre appreciation though that can make decisions tougher.

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Non-Fungible Tokens. The World’s Gone Mad?

Non-Fungible Tokens. The World’s Gone Mad?

I’m beginning to think that there’s a competition, devised by some secret society, to see what’s the most ridiculous thing people will spend money on.

None-fungible tokens

First there was bottled water. I can see arguments for it in a small amount of cases but, in most developed countries, it’s one of the biggest cons of all time. Let’s get some tap water, bottle it, and sell it at a 64900% markup! Yes, that’s the profit margin at average prices.

And that’s before we start on the environmental cost.

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We Had Push-Up Bras… (not a title you expected on this blog!)

We Had Push-Up Bras… (not a title you expected on this blog!)

The calm before the storm. Tomorrow sees the opening of shops and beer gardens amongst a raft of other retail outlets, so today will be spent perusing the internet whilst waiting for a callout. For those that don’t know, I volunteer as a First Responder with the Yorkshire Ambulance service, but I’ll tell you all about that in another blog.

By the way, I hope you all followed my tips yesterday, well, the Grand National ones at least. A nice each way payout on Farclas was handy after a brave, but frustrating run from Cloth Cap.

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Back From The Dead

Back From The Dead

Well, it is Easter Sunday.

Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, Odin, Lucy Westenra, Brad Pitt in Interview With The Vampire and, of course, Jesus. All of them credited with miraculous resurrection and well done to them.

Pondering this on my morning walk, which I don’t do nearly often enough, revealed that I had way more questions than answers.

Can you really come back from the dead?

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