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Author: Seán

It’s been a while, but it’s all good!

It’s been a while, but it’s all good!

So, I guess I started writing this blog during Covid… remember that? It was a useful exercise in many ways and allowed me to get some headspace as well as learning a new skill. Well, partially learning, as one huge technical issue meant I lost access for ages, but I’m back again.

Since the end of the lockdowns, I’ve been incredibly busy! A new job, several weddings (friends, not me!) and the small matter of a significant birthday have all soaked up my time, like a proverbial sponge, but I’m feeling it’s now time to wring it out! It’ll be a slow drip rather than an immediate downpour as I’ve a trip to my happy place only a matter of days away. On the plus side, there will be a new travel report too!

I feel my creativity returning, in many ways, and look forward to sharing more of my rambling thoughts with you.

In the meantime, think happy thoughts, and I’ll see you soon.

Back Once Again With The Ill Behaviour!

Back Once Again With The Ill Behaviour!

So, how’ve you been?

Apologies for being off the grid a while. Ultimately, this was due to a massive technical issue, which caused me to lose all the files for this site as well as the energy to rebuild it. I was wary of putting all that effort in just in case it all disappeared again.

Eventuality, I got it done.

I’ve a few random holiday pics to post, as well as my usual Vegas updates and strange thoughts. So, stay tuned and we’ll soon be back on track.

Euro 2021 – Battle Of The Tricolours

Euro 2021 – Battle Of The Tricolours

Fast forward exactly one month from now. Wembley will have hosted 2 stunning semi-finals and the last pair standing will be plotting their tactics for the big one. We’ve waited nearly 2000 days since the last final and now we’re about to crown a successor to Portugal, the current Champions.

But, who will make the final? I’m not sure… there’s a lot of talented squads out there and the events of what has been a very unusual season could play a part.

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Lithuanian Schnapps And An Afternoon With Salmon Dave

Lithuanian Schnapps And An Afternoon With Salmon Dave

It’s been an incredibly busy week. Four long shifts to see out the old job followed by an eventful stint in the First Responder world. This week I started my new job, but more on that later.

Sandwiched in between, a trip to Peterborough! Obviously!

If, for any strange reason, you’d like to hear how that turned out, head over here.

If not, here’s something more interesting instead!

Have You Got Odd Balls?

Have You Got Odd Balls?

Good morning. A “short” post today as I’ve 3 long shifts back to back at work starting today. The good news is that, once completed, I’ve the first socialising weekend in over a year to look forward to. Then I start my new job. More on both of those to follow!

Occasionally you discover a company designing and selling a truly great product. Sometimes you encounter a brand with a really good advertising campaign. Rarely do you find a retailer that not only donates a percentage of their earnings to charity, but also campaigns strongly to improve peoples health.

And, rarest of all, is a merchandiser who does all of the above.

I think I’ve found one.

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My 5 Favourite Gins And Why They’re Good For You

My 5 Favourite Gins And Why They’re Good For You

I love gin, and always have done. Now, almost everyone’s joined the club. Gin has never been more popular with sales topping £2.6 billion in the UK during 2020.

Gone are the days of only having to choose between Gordons and Beefeater too. With Scotland alone producing over 200 brands, and bottles imported from all over the world, the budding gin connoisseur is spoilt for choice.

For those new to experience and looking to dabble, I’ve selected 5 of my favourites that are readily available in the shops. I’ll do another post sometime with my favourite hard to find tipples.

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A Chat With Dwayne Muffin, The Ibiza YouTuber

A Chat With Dwayne Muffin, The Ibiza YouTuber

Those of you that know me will probably be aware that I used to live in Ibiza. Or should that be on Ibiza? I’m never quite sure. I was there for the best part of 2 decades and was fortunate enough to experience the island’s halcyon days.

I was also blessed with having met literally thousands of amazing people during my time there. Many lived on the island, some still do and others were the tourists that flock to the sun every Summer.

Amongst them all was a daft wee boy called Dwayne, but his pals called him Muffin.

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