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Category: Photographs

It’s been a while, but it’s all good!

It’s been a while, but it’s all good!

So, I guess I started writing this blog during Covid… remember that? It was a useful exercise in many ways and allowed me to get some headspace as well as learning a new skill. Well, partially learning, as one huge technical issue meant I lost access for ages, but I’m back again.

Since the end of the lockdowns, I’ve been incredibly busy! A new job, several weddings (friends, not me!) and the small matter of a significant birthday have all soaked up my time, like a proverbial sponge, but I’m feeling it’s now time to wring it out! It’ll be a slow drip rather than an immediate downpour as I’ve a trip to my happy place only a matter of days away. On the plus side, there will be a new travel report too!

I feel my creativity returning, in many ways, and look forward to sharing more of my rambling thoughts with you.

In the meantime, think happy thoughts, and I’ll see you soon.

There’s A Bad Moon On The Rise

There’s A Bad Moon On The Rise

The moon rising over Las Vegas Valley

I came across this photograph whilst looking for some content for my Las Vegas Guide page and was blown away by the image. So much so that I decided to use it, or at least part of it, as the header image for this blog.

The vast majority of Las Vegas at night photographs returned by search engines focus on The Strip and the neon-clad mega resorts that populate it. And rightly so, the area surely is one of the most photogenic man-made sites on earth. Downtown has always played the poor relation, at least in the travel brochures, since Las Vegas Boulevard South exploded into the 1980’s, building incessantly upwards and outwards.

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Travel Diaries

Travel Diaries

A secondary reason that I started this page was to record my adventures travelling on holiday. I thought I’d start with the most recent one as I had all the photos handy. I’d been looking back at them through the current lockdown as a kind of escape, I guess.

Anyway, there’s a link in the menu at the top right-hand side of this page should you wish to see what I got up to with some of the best humans I have the pleasure of knowing.

A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words

I love photographs. I love the way they capture a moment in time without the context of what happened in the time either side. That fraction of a second, in this busy world, is frozen in time forever and the format is standing the test of time despite advances in video, virtual and augmented reality.

The photo below is epic and is one of my favourites. The detail of the moon’s surface and the contrasting blackness of the space beyond are reflected perfectly in the visor of the helmet… along with the photographer. Neil Armstrong will be remembered forever from that grainy footage as he stepped into a new world. However, due to him being the first on the surface, he was given the camera and took this image of Buzz Aldrin which has immortalised his place in the mission.

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