My Top 5 Favourite Movies And Why They Rock.

My Top 5 Favourite Movies And Why They Rock.

There’s few things better in life than getting comfy on the sofa and watching a good film. Ideally, some prep should be done first. A glass of red wine poured and favourite snacks in place. Curtains closed and phone on silent to prevent interruptions is always a good move.

Then, pick a film.

Films, like music, have to suit your mood at the time. I’m fortunate that, in both media, I have a very wide genre appreciation though that can make decisions tougher.

When there’s nothing new to pique your interest it’s time to return to an old favourite. I’m sure we all have a few. I thought I’d try to narrow mine down to a top five, in no particular order. The titles are all clickable and will take you another page to watch the film, should you wish.

So, without further ado, here we go…

Top Gun

Anyone who knows me knows that this is my all time favorite. It’s got guns, planes, aircraft carriers and Kelly McGillis.

I always wanted to be a fighter pilot and you can imagine my disappointment, when I finally got round to applying aged 25, to be told I was too old. My chance to be Maverick and buzz the tower (or one Admiral’s daughter) was gone.

That said, I still can’t get enough of this film. Sure, the acting is cheesy in parts, but the cinematography and the soundtrack still stand up well. In the modern CGI-infested world, the technical aspects of shooting this movie must have been incredibly challenging.

I’ve watched this film too many times to count and still get goosebumps (no pun intended) as soon as it starts.

Top Gun
I feel the need… the need for speed!

True Romance

There are so many great things about this movie. In fact, I think it’s literally almost perfect in every way.

Firstly, lets look at the cast list. Brad Pitt, Samuel L Jackson, Dennis Hopper, Val Kilmer, Christopher Walken, Tom Sizemore, Gary Oldman, Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, James Gandolfini… a real who’s who of Hollywood royalty.

It’s a film that keeps you guessing. It’s part romantic flick, part gangster movie. There’s high drama and there’s comedy. There’s moments that are both together. The “Sicillian” scene in the trailer, for me, is up there with the best ever.

True Romance
Well, hello, Mrs Worley!

So I Married An Axe Murderer

One of the most quotable films ever. There are just too many funny lines in the comedy, starring Mike Myers.

It loosely follows the protagonist as he meets, falls in love and marries a girl who may, or may not, have more sinister intentions.

The highlight of this film are the scenes involving his proudly Scottish Dad. Myers also plays this part as he read it during rehearsals and the director realised they never find another actor as ideal for the role.

It’s one of those movies that deserves more than one airing as youre likely to miss parts whilst laughing.

Axe Murderer
If you want my body, and you think I’m sexy…

Lord Of The Rings

What can’t tell you about these film that you don’t already know? All 3 parts of the trilogy are immense masterpieces. The scripting, cinematography and acting performances are truly amazing.

I know a few people who’re “not into fantasy films” that haven’t watched them. I get it. But they’re missing out.

The story is deep and has numerous twists and turns. Ultimately, it’s all about good versus evil. It’s a winner.

Seriously, take a day off and watch them all back to back.

Lord Of The Rings
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

The Shining

Another legendary film that I’m sure you’re well aware of.

What I love about this movie is the creepy factor. So many horror flicks rely on gratuitous bloodletting or shock moments to provoke fear. The Shining is more subtle. It gradually builds, gently piling on layers of unease.

From the lengthy opening ariel shots to the way the camera moves as the axe chops the door, there is a lot going on to subtly drag you in and make you feel like you’re in the Overlook Hotel.

The Shining
Redrum, redrum, REDRUM!

So, that’s my top 5. Like them? Loathe them? Have your own suggestions? Let me know in the comments below.

Finally, honourable mentions to the following file that just missed out. The Life Of Brian, A Bridge Too Far, Interview With The Vampire, Phantom Of The Opera, Les Miserables, Austin Powers and anything starring Leslie Nielsen.

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