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Tag: travel

It’s been a while, but it’s all good!

It’s been a while, but it’s all good!

So, I guess I started writing this blog during Covid… remember that? It was a useful exercise in many ways and allowed me to get some headspace as well as learning a new skill. Well, partially learning, as one huge technical issue meant I lost access for ages, but I’m back again.

Since the end of the lockdowns, I’ve been incredibly busy! A new job, several weddings (friends, not me!) and the small matter of a significant birthday have all soaked up my time, like a proverbial sponge, but I’m feeling it’s now time to wring it out! It’ll be a slow drip rather than an immediate downpour as I’ve a trip to my happy place only a matter of days away. On the plus side, there will be a new travel report too!

I feel my creativity returning, in many ways, and look forward to sharing more of my rambling thoughts with you.

In the meantime, think happy thoughts, and I’ll see you soon.

8 Places I Really Need To Make Travel Diaries For

8 Places I Really Need To Make Travel Diaries For

Starting this blog has been really insightful. I’ve learned a load of technical stuff and, so far, the site seems to be working well. The blog is just part of it, however.

I’d originally started to build a website to record my travel diaries and to have a place to put photos for others to enjoy. I’d tried a bunch of apps that claimed to do just that, but none of them had the functionality or style that I was looking for. So, I decided to get creative.

A canal in Bruges

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I Don’t Like Mondays

I Don’t Like Mondays

Evanescence The Bitter Truth

Actually, that’s not true. In much the same way that I prefer sunrise to sunset, I love the start of a new week. It’s a chance for a reset, an opportunity to plan fresh adventures and the beginning of a whole new chapter of your life.

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Travel Diaries

Travel Diaries

A secondary reason that I started this page was to record my adventures travelling on holiday. I thought I’d start with the most recent one as I had all the photos handy. I’d been looking back at them through the current lockdown as a kind of escape, I guess.

Anyway, there’s a link in the menu at the top right-hand side of this page should you wish to see what I got up to with some of the best humans I have the pleasure of knowing.