

The great lockdown of 2020/1… what a strange time that was. The whole world went a bit wonky and we all ended up indoors with a lot of time on our hands. I gradually became aware that, apart from watching Emmerdale, I was severely lacking in mental stimulation. I began to reflect on the fact that this enforced slow-down was an ideal time to learn new stuff and keep my brain active.

I’ve always had an interest in website construction but the effort of learning to code, and the fact that I have a friend that’s great at all that stuff and built sites for me, always put me off. Fortunately technology has progressed and you can now construct sites with no knowledge of what’s actually going on in the background… so here we are.

Having learned how to build something, I needed inspiration for content to fill it. After much internal debate I settled on the two things I know most about… Las Vegas and random things that may have no interest to anyone else!

So, who am I?

I’m a man in my 40’s who’s been fortunate enough to do a lot of great stuff and blessed/cursed with an overactive mind. This blog, I hope, will be a great way to organise my thoughts and, hopefully, provide some entertainment.

Thanks for stopping by.


Keep in touch…