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Author: Seán

My Top 5 Favourite Movies And Why They Rock.

My Top 5 Favourite Movies And Why They Rock.

There’s few things better in life than getting comfy on the sofa and watching a good film. Ideally, some prep should be done first. A glass of red wine poured and favourite snacks in place. Curtains closed and phone on silent to prevent interruptions is always a good move.

Then, pick a film.

Films, like music, have to suit your mood at the time. I’m fortunate that, in both media, I have a very wide genre appreciation though that can make decisions tougher.

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Non-Fungible Tokens. The World’s Gone Mad?

Non-Fungible Tokens. The World’s Gone Mad?

I’m beginning to think that there’s a competition, devised by some secret society, to see what’s the most ridiculous thing people will spend money on.

None-fungible tokens

First there was bottled water. I can see arguments for it in a small amount of cases but, in most developed countries, it’s one of the biggest cons of all time. Let’s get some tap water, bottle it, and sell it at a 64900% markup! Yes, that’s the profit margin at average prices.

And that’s before we start on the environmental cost.

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10 Songs I’ve Listened To More Than Once This Week

10 Songs I’ve Listened To More Than Once This Week

Pendulum, The Island cover

I’ve had 3 days off this week and some relatively short shifts, so plenty time to be listening to some music whilst chilling or even gardening. I hate gardening!

I have an account with Spotify and speakers all over the house and I love that I can listen to whatever, whenever. Long gone are the days of hunting for the cassette tape that’s gone missing from it’s box.

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“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.“

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.“

It’s a quote by T S Elliot that I love. I think what he’s trying to say is that we are always capable of more than we think we are. Only those who are willing to keep going to a point which they fear is “too far” can ever possibly discover how far it is possible for them to go.

Hong Kong Phooey

If we behave conservatively and don’t take risks, we will always be slightly holding ourselves back. However, if we don’t pause to consider the fear of failure, and don’t allow ourselves to become shackled by the fear of doing too much or being too excessive, then we will be free to fulfill our potential.

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Ibiza Sunset Vibes… In A Yorkshire Garden

Ibiza Sunset Vibes… In A Yorkshire Garden

A short post today as I’m about to go and put my feet up in the garden. I had an unexpected day off work today and, not wishing to be lazy, decided to do a shift in the garden.

Now, anyone that knows me will be fully aware how much I hate gardening, but needs must. I won’t bore you with the detail but the grass has been cut, the patio furniture returned from storage and a wild flower bed installed amongst other things. Now time to relax with a cold drink and enjoy the 18 degree temperature.

Tulp Bar, Ibiza

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8 Places I Really Need To Make Travel Diaries For

8 Places I Really Need To Make Travel Diaries For

Starting this blog has been really insightful. I’ve learned a load of technical stuff and, so far, the site seems to be working well. The blog is just part of it, however.

I’d originally started to build a website to record my travel diaries and to have a place to put photos for others to enjoy. I’d tried a bunch of apps that claimed to do just that, but none of them had the functionality or style that I was looking for. So, I decided to get creative.

A canal in Bruges

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We Had Push-Up Bras… (not a title you expected on this blog!)

We Had Push-Up Bras… (not a title you expected on this blog!)

The calm before the storm. Tomorrow sees the opening of shops and beer gardens amongst a raft of other retail outlets, so today will be spent perusing the internet whilst waiting for a callout. For those that don’t know, I volunteer as a First Responder with the Yorkshire Ambulance service, but I’ll tell you all about that in another blog.

By the way, I hope you all followed my tips yesterday, well, the Grand National ones at least. A nice each way payout on Farclas was handy after a brave, but frustrating run from Cloth Cap.

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