8 Places I Really Need To Make Travel Diaries For

8 Places I Really Need To Make Travel Diaries For

Starting this blog has been really insightful. I’ve learned a load of technical stuff and, so far, the site seems to be working well. The blog is just part of it, however.

I’d originally started to build a website to record my travel diaries and to have a place to put photos for others to enjoy. I’d tried a bunch of apps that claimed to do just that, but none of them had the functionality or style that I was looking for. So, I decided to get creative.

A canal in Bruges

I’ve managed to upload one diary so far from my most recent trip to Las Vegas and it was a joy to go back through the photos and relive so many happy memories shared with an awesome bunch of people.

The next job for me is to trawl through the archives for images from more holidays and, in advance of that, I thought I’d pull together a list of places I’ve been, and loved, that I need to document.

  • Ibiza. Yes, I used to live there, but I’ve been back on a bunch of holidays since I moved to the UK.
  • Krakow/Zakopane. I’ve been to southern Poland twice and seriously fell in love with it.
  • Las Vegas. Yes, more! I’ve been several times.
  • Ireland. I’ve photos from a couple of trips to Dublin, Belfast and the west coast.
  • Cancun. A very, very hot holiday in Mexico.
  • Bruges. St. Patrick’s Day!
  • Inverness & The Highlands
  • Barcelona. One of my favourite cities.

I have another trip to Ireland planned for later this year and, if travel restrictions ease, maybe another couple of places. Fingers crossed!

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