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Author: Seán

9 Things People Really Believe About Las Vegas That Are Definitely Not True

9 Things People Really Believe About Las Vegas That Are Definitely Not True

New York New York Resort in Las Vegas at night.

Las Vegas is a city built on improbable stories. From tall tales about gambling wins to anecdotes where the protagonist woke up in an ice-filled bath missing a kidney, it’s hard to differentiate fact from fiction. Even the buildings lie. Sure, you can see Caesars Palace from Circus Circus and it looks like a 15 minute walk away… its really not!

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I Don’t Like Mondays

I Don’t Like Mondays

Evanescence The Bitter Truth

Actually, that’s not true. In much the same way that I prefer sunrise to sunset, I love the start of a new week. It’s a chance for a reset, an opportunity to plan fresh adventures and the beginning of a whole new chapter of your life.

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Back From The Dead

Back From The Dead

Well, it is Easter Sunday.

Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, Odin, Lucy Westenra, Brad Pitt in Interview With The Vampire and, of course, Jesus. All of them credited with miraculous resurrection and well done to them.

Pondering this on my morning walk, which I don’t do nearly often enough, revealed that I had way more questions than answers.

Can you really come back from the dead?

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Hi Honey, I’m Home

Hi Honey, I’m Home

“Home is ultimately not about a place to live but about the people with whom you are most fully alive. Home is about love, relationship, community, and belonging, and we are all searching for home.”

I really like this quote from Erwin McManus as it reinforces my contention that home is not simply where you were born, where you grew up or where you currently live. Nor is it necessarily in one place forever.

I’m lucky enough to have called many places home over the years including Glasgow, Hertfordshire, London and Ibiza. They all have a special place in my heart and I’ve enjoyed the time I spent there… but none of them feel like home now.

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What’s Your Favourite Humming Noise?

What’s Your Favourite Humming Noise?

The hardest question for any music fan to answer surely is, “Who is you favourite singer?”

I have a list as long as your arm of favourite bands and, from that list, my favourite on any given day could vary wildly from one of the top few. Equally, I have many favourite songs. The winner of that category would depend on the day of the week, my current mood, the news, the weather or a multitude of other factors. The same rules apply to favourite genre, album, guitar solo, percussion interlude, etc.

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There’s A Bad Moon On The Rise

There’s A Bad Moon On The Rise

The moon rising over Las Vegas Valley

I came across this photograph whilst looking for some content for my Las Vegas Guide page and was blown away by the image. So much so that I decided to use it, or at least part of it, as the header image for this blog.

The vast majority of Las Vegas at night photographs returned by search engines focus on The Strip and the neon-clad mega resorts that populate it. And rightly so, the area surely is one of the most photogenic man-made sites on earth. Downtown has always played the poor relation, at least in the travel brochures, since Las Vegas Boulevard South exploded into the 1980’s, building incessantly upwards and outwards.

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Mind Games

Mind Games

Picture this… a washing machine filled with a ton of bright green apples going round and round. Got it? Cool.

A chef comes over to the washing machine and opens the door. As he does his chef uniform suddenly changes to that of a maid. Weird, but that’s the way it is.

With the door open, all the water comes rushing out and he gets swept away in the river but, luckily, a man rowing by rescues him from drowning. The boat carries on and they notice that if the squint off into the distance they can see a dam. As they squint at it they can see a jack hammer drilling into the top of it.

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