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Hi Honey, I’m Home

Hi Honey, I’m Home

“Home is ultimately not about a place to live but about the people with whom you are most fully alive. Home is about love, relationship, community, and belonging, and we are all searching for home.”

I really like this quote from Erwin McManus as it reinforces my contention that home is not simply where you were born, where you grew up or where you currently live. Nor is it necessarily in one place forever.

I’m lucky enough to have called many places home over the years including Glasgow, Hertfordshire, London and Ibiza. They all have a special place in my heart and I’ve enjoyed the time I spent there… but none of them feel like home now.

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Mind Games

Mind Games

Picture this… a washing machine filled with a ton of bright green apples going round and round. Got it? Cool.

A chef comes over to the washing machine and opens the door. As he does his chef uniform suddenly changes to that of a maid. Weird, but that’s the way it is.

With the door open, all the water comes rushing out and he gets swept away in the river but, luckily, a man rowing by rescues him from drowning. The boat carries on and they notice that if the squint off into the distance they can see a dam. As they squint at it they can see a jack hammer drilling into the top of it.

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In the beginning…

In the beginning…

“A story has no beginning or end: arbitrarily one chooses that moment of experience from which to look back or from which to look ahead.”

I’d been meaning to start something like this for a long time and the pandemic has given me the time to do just that. If you’re reading this years into the future, the 2020 virus was the reason we no longer have any human contact and live in individual plant based pods!

Ive gradually drifted away from social media over the years as I feel it doesn’t really suit my needs these days and looking for a space, a little less crowded, to compose my thoughts and random wonderings.

So here it is… a place for me to blog on the things in life that interest me. Expect Las Vegas to feature prominently alongside photography, maps, gin and a host of strange subjects that pop into my overactive mind.

I hope you find some of it enjoyable, or even interesting. I’m always happy to hear your thoughts on anything too… don’t be shy.

So, with that all said, let’s go for a wander.